Posts Tagged ‘Carla’

Empathy and the Mind-Body Problem (5)

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Continuing the story of Carla’s uncontrolled vomiting, I had concluded that it was due to her fear of divine retribution for having a child outside of a marriage and then giving the child up for adoption.  She feared that God would punish her by causing her unborn second child to be malformed or diseased.


Empathy and the Mind-Body Problem (4)

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Continuing the story of Carla’s uncontrolled vomiting, at that time I had much to learn about stress illness.  Weeks were needed to see how the pieces fit together because, as is usually the case, Carla herself did not comprehend and could not explain what was happening.  The first clue was that her illness began when she was a teenage unwed mother who gave up her son for adoption.  Second, when Carla was a child, her mother lived just 20 miles away but completely ignored her, causing Carla to feel unworthy and to assume guilt for many life events.  Third, she had a strong belief in a God that played a direct, active role in her daily life.


Empathy and the Mind-Body Problem (3)

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

How does empathy help me in understanding a patient’s stress illness?  The diagnostic process in stress illness is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle when you: (more…)